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10 Lasting Moments from the May 20th Tornado Coverage


There has been no shortage of news stories following last week's tornado outbreak. Patrick and I decided to take a look back at 10 lasting images, memes, things, moments, etc. that we'll always remember from the May 19th and 20th tornadoes.


1. That lady finding her dog in the rubble

The video is touching, moving and makes everyone cry. The woman even drops a couple of quotes that would make a playwright jealous. Still, whenever I watch the clip, I want to reach through the screen and yell to the news crew THAT YOU'RE FILMING A HUMAN BEING!!!! THIS ISN'T WILD KINGDOM WHERE YOU LET NATURE PLAY ITS COURSE. PUT DOWN THE STUPID MICROPHONE AND CAMERA AND HELP THE LADY RESCUE HER DOG FROM THE PILE OF HEAVY DEBRIS!!! Sorry, needed to get that off my chest. – Patrick


2. Aerial images of Moore on Monday, May 20 at 3:35 PM

The moment the tornado had passed, I don't think anyone could believe what they were seeing. The wreckage is still just as shocking as it was over a week ago. – Marisa

I think Kevin Ogle spoke for all of us at the 2:55 mark. – Patrick


3. Lance West losing his composure when arriving on the scene at Plaza Towers Elementary School

When I heard Lance's report on live TV, I immediately knew we were in or beyond May 3rd territory. We saw the destruction from above, but hearing and seeing things from the human perspective on the ground let us know the true impact of the destruction. – Patrick


4. Wolf Blitzer and the Atheist

I really wish the lame stream media wasn't always imposing their beliefs on the rest of us. But even in the face of it all, we Okies kept our convictions. – Marisa

I though it was illegal to be an atheist in Oklahoma? – Patrick



5. Kevin Durant being Kevin Durant

First, Kevin Durant donated $1 million. Then the Thunder donated $1 million. This all had a waterfall effect, where the NBA and NBA players association donated $1 million. Then, Kevin Durant, mama's little angel baby, got Nike to donate $1 million worth of apparel and shoes to victims. – Marisa

Hey, Carrie Underwood gave a million, too. – Patrick


Picture 3

6. The guy in the “She Wants the D” shirt

So, that happened. I hate that shirt, but I like that guy for wearing it on CNN. Surviving an F5 tornado gives you the right to wear whatever you want on TV. – Marisa


7. Big Dog and Little Dog

That image of Jim Routon hugging Hezekiah Darbon outside the destroyed Briarwood Elementary warms your heart. And the fact that they call each other Big Dog and Little's like their relationship was meant to be a part of a feel good movie. – Marisa

That feel good movie will probably feature Berry Tramel as the narrator. – Patrick


liz winnstead

8. That stupid lady from the Daily Show picking a really bad time to tell a really stupid joke

I think we'll defer to 2008 Oklahoma Democratic Senate Candidate Andrew Rice on this one:


oklahoma home

9. The Home Avatar

Usually when people find an avatar that isn't their real picture, it winds up being something politically derisive. Not so with this one. This avatar and its variations is a sign of solidarity. – Marisa

Serious question. Does anyone know who designed the original version above? The Oklahoman and TV channels have interviewed everyone remotely associated with the tornadoes, but we  – or at least I – still don't know who designed the simple graphic that thousands of Oklahomans from all over the country added to their Facebook and Twitter pages. – Patrick


oklahoma standard

10. The Oklahoma Standard

Everyone has been helping out, it seems. It's hard to find a business or a person who hasn't donated or volunteered in some way. That's what I like about you, Oklahoma. We take care of our own. – Marisa

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